Wednesday 24 December 2008

Prettige Feestdagen!!!

I would like to wish you all a Merry Xmas and a Happy New Year!!!
Specially to my family and my friends who got to understand the way I am...

Friday 19 December 2008

Fleet Foxes - "White Winter Hymnal" (lyrics)

An American band that doesn't look like American. Definitely one of the best albums of 2008!
The video is nice too. Check it out...
I was following the pack
All swallowed in their coats
With scarves of red tied 'round their throats
To keep their little heads
From fallin' in the snow
And I turned 'round and there you go
And, Michael, you would fall
And turn the white snow red as strawberries
In the summertime...

Brain teaser 18 (solution)

Suppose the distance is 60 km.
Then it would take him 2 hours to get to work and 3 hours to come back.
Since the total journey is 120 km and the total time is 5 hours, the average speed is 120 km divide by 5 hours, that is, 24 km/h!

Wednesday 26 November 2008

Brain teaser 17 (solution)

As it was stated in the first line:
1 = 5 implies 5 = 1!

Wednesday 19 November 2008

Brain teaser 18

A man drives to work at 30 km/h and drives back home at 20 km/h (the way back is exactly the same).
What's the average speed for the two-way journey?
(This question was asked during an interview for an MBA summer associate position at Goldman Sachs)

Saturday 8 November 2008

The Last Shadow Puppets - "Standing next to me" (lyrics)

What a sound! One of the best songs I have heard for the last years...
Listen to it and tell me what you think...

You want to have her
Two years have gone now
But I can't relate
To the never ending
Games that you play
As desire passes through
And you're open
To the truth
I hope you understand
And your love
Is standing next to me
Is standing next to me
The one you fell for
But it's seemed you deny
And you laugh
At yourself
Again and again
But as you drink
To the thoughts
She'll remember you
Maybe tomorrow
And your love
Is standing next to me
Is standing next to me
And your love
Is standing next to me
Is standing next to me
Is standing next to me
Is standing next to me
You want to have her
Two years have gone now
But I can't relate
To the never ending
Games that you play
As desire passes through
Then you're open
To the truth
I hope you understand
And your love
Is standing next to me
Is standing next to me
Is standing next to me
Is standing next to me

Illusions 19

Do the straight horizontal gray lines look curvy?
Hold up a piece of paper to prove that they are straight and parallel to each other!

Friday 7 November 2008

Massive Attack - "Unfinished Sympathy" (lyrics)

From UK circa 1991:
I know that I've been mad in love before
And how it could be with you
Really hurt me baby, really hurt me baby
How can you have a day without a night
You're the book that I have opened
And now I've got to know much more
The curiousness of your potential kiss
Has got my mind and body aching
Really hurt me baby, really hurt me baby
How can you have a day without a night
You're the book that I have opened
And now I've got to know much more
Like a soul without a mind
In a body without a heart
I'm missing every part (x5)

Brain teaser 17

This is pure logic. Take a look at the sequence:
1 = 5
2 = 25
3 = 325
4 = 4325
5 = ?
Find out what's missing...

Yo La Tengo - "Our way to fall" (lyrics)

Is there anybody who recalls this American rock band from the eighties/nineties?

I remember a summer's day
I remember walking up to you
I remember my face turned red
And I remember staring at my feet
I remember before we met
I remember sitting next to you
And I remember pretending I wasn't looking
So we'll try and try
Even if it lasts an hour
With all our might
We'll try and make it ours
Cause we're on our way
We're on our way to fall in love
I remember your old guitar
I remember I Can't Explain
I remember the way it looked around your neck
And I remember the day it broke
I remember the song you sang
I remember the way you looked tonight
And I remember the way it made me feel
So we try and try
Even if it lasts an hour
With all our might
We'll try and make it ours
Because we're on our way
We're on our way to fall in love
You'll try and try even if it lasts an hour
With all our might try and make it ours
Cause we're on our way to fall in love.
Yeah we're on our way to fall in love.
We're on our way to fall in love.
We're on our way to fall in love.

Brain teaser 16 (solution)

It will take 3 days too!

Thursday 30 October 2008

Réussite! Immigration Québec

Finally I got the CSQ (Certificat de sélection du Québec) and consequently I have the right to apply for a visa to immigrate to Québec!
It was not easy to be accepted due to my age (and the interviewer mentioned it) but other assets were taken into account...
I feel happy but at the same time there's a feeling of sadness as I think about leaving my job, my friends, my family, ... It's not gonna happen now though...
Read the full interview right below (in Portuguese):
Cheguei às 8h35min no prédio, fiz o cadastro na recepção e foi-me dito que minha entrada no escritório ainda não estava autorizada.
Fui dar umas voltas pelas redondezas, tomei um suco de laranja e retornei por volta das 9h00min; ainda assim a recepcionista disse que ela não havia recebido autorização para me deixar subir. Aguardei mais 5min e logo minha entrada foi autorizada.
O escritório fica no 15º. andar, parecia uma eternidade chegar lá. Fui recebido com “Bon jour” pela recepcionista e logo em seguida “Asseyez-vous s’il vous plaît”. Quando me dirigi ao hall de espera, já avistei de longe uma sala aberta onde se encontrava meu entrevistador, lendo alguns documentos. Devia ser o tal do africano que alguns entrevistados mencionaram... [Na verdade, parece-me que ele é haitiano.]
Aguardei uns 15min, assistindo a um vídeo chamado “Infiniment Québec” e em seguida o entrevistador me chamou. Vestia um paletó xadrez meio alaranjado, uma gravata amarela e uma calça social cuja cor me parecia salmão... Logo de cara ele começou a falar em francês e me perguntou quais línguas eu falava e eu disse que, além do português, falava inglês e um pouco de francês, no que ele começou a deslanchar, pra minha surpresa, perguntas em inglês! Perguntou coisas sobre meu trabalho atual, minha profissão etc.
Voltou para o francês e, no decorrer de minhas respostas às suas perguntas, disse que meu francês não era tão avançado, conforme eu havia mencionado no dossiê. Na mesma hora, saquei da minha mochila o resultado do TFI (Test de français international), que apontava minha nota total de 830 sobre 990 possíveis, o que me colocava, sim, num nível avançado, segundo avaliação da UP Language, aplicadora do teste, e da própria ETS. Ele pegou esse resultado e foi para o computador. [Obs. Decidi pelo TFI por ser bem mais barato que o TCF e o TEF; custou-me R$ 180,00 comparado a mais de R$350,00 dos outros dois. O TFI compreende 90 testes de compreensão oral (listening), em 48 min, e 90 testes de compreensão escrita, em 62 min. Não tem avaliação verbal.]
Aliás, devo dizer que nesse momento a impressão que me dava é que, de fato, segundo alguns relatos que li no Orkut, esse entrevistador estava interessado somente na pontuação. Não demonstrou nenhum ar de simpatia, de informalidade, nada do que eu ouvi falar sobre os antigos entrevistadores. Não houve nenhum interesse da parte dele em saber acerca de meus conhecimentos sobre o Québec, aspectos culturais, políticos, climáticos, quais os motivos para eu querer ir pra lá, não perguntou quase nada de minha vida pessoal, ...
Devo dizer que particularmente eu prefiro um tratamento como o dele, o que demonstra imparcialidade, e também não deve ser nada diferente do que devemos esperar dos quebequenses que trabalham em serviços públicos.
Durante nosso encontro, ele me pediu diplomas, comprovantes de trabalho, viu meu demonstrativo de pagamento de salário, certidão de nascimento, perguntou se tinha filhos (não tenho), se era casado (não sou casado), se eu tinha feito pesquisa sobre minha área de trabalho no Québec (eu mostrei algumas ofertas de trabalho na minha área em Montreal, aliás, minha área é Finanças).
No final, ele imprimiu uma folha com o resultado e disse que minha pontuação era insuficiente para a aprovação, basicamente por causa de minha idade (38 anos). Na verdade, eu já sabia que minha idade seria o maior empecilho para a aprovação, motivo pelo qual eu investi tempo e dinheiro para colocar meu francês num nível avançado, que era pra compensar esse problema. Ele disse que se eu tivesse um mestrado ou doutorado, isso poderia até ajudar, mas o grande obstáculo era a idade.
Foi aí que ele começou a amolecer: demonstrou uma certa indignação com o resultado, querendo dizer que ele havia tentado me ajudar no que pôde, me mostrou que eu havia feito uma ótima pontuação nos outros quesitos, etc. Naquele momento, eu simplesmente joguei a toalha e vi que todo meu esforço no aperfeiçoamento do francês não tinha sido suficiente. Ou seja, o resultado estava fora do meu alcance, o fator idade pesava muito. Eu nem tive forças pra argumentar que eu havia feito a simulação no computador e tinha sido aprovado somente quando eu colocava nível de francês avançado. Eu nem acho que se meu nível tivesse dado fluente as coisas iriam mudar muito.
Foi então que eu me levantei, muito chateado, sem dizer absolutamente nada, apenas ouvindo ele dizer que meu perfil era muito bom, que eu tinha ótimos níveis de francês e inglês, que eu tinha ótima experiência de trabalho, etc. E que ele iria fazer um pedido para que eu fosse aprovado, que dificilmente seria negado e que era pra eu aguardar uma carta na semana seguinte. Segundo ele, era quase certo que eu seria aprovado. O entrevistador mostrou um lado bem mais sensível do que eu poderia imaginar, ele estava triste pois parecia que estava torcendo pra eu ser aprovado pelo sistema. Não parava de falar, parecia que queria até me consolar... Voltei pra casa completamente desolado, mas pouco a pouco me dei conta que havia feito meu melhor e que, se não tinha sido daquela vez, haveria outras.
Eram 15h30min da tarde do mesmo dia quando o telefone tocou. Era do escritório do Québec pedindo pra que eu comparecesse lá até o dia seguinte. Não esperei nem mais um segundo, peguei meu carro e me dirigi ao escritório imediatamente. Chegando lá, a recepcionista me pediu pra preencher uma folha com meu nome, profissão, data, local e assinatura. Fui encaminhado à sala do entrevistador que me disse que eu havia sido aprovado!!! Nesse momento ele foi bem profissional, não demonstrando sentimento algum, simplesmente me entregou o CSQ e mais duas folhas referentes à entrada de visto de residente permanente junto à embaixada canadense. Por último disse: “Bonne chance!” Ao que fui embora feliz...
Ao final de tudo fica uma lição: a pontuação é fundamental, mas a palavra final é dele, ou seja, se alguém tiver pontuação suficiente, a aprovação é automática, mas se a pessoa não tiver a pontuação mínima exigida, ainda assim haverá uma chance dependendo da avaliação subjetiva do entrevistador, cujos critérios variam caso a caso.
Desejo sucesso a todos!

Tuesday 28 October 2008

Brain teaser 15 (solution)

Since the relative speed of the trains to each other is 50 + 70 = 120mph, i.e. 2 miles per minute, it follows that 15 minutes before crossing they will be 30 miles apart.

Saturday 25 October 2008

TFI - Test de français international

After taking the TFI exam this month, there it goes the result:
Compréhension orale - 400 (out of 495)
Compréhension écrite - 430 (out of 495)
Score Total - 830 (out of 990)
Pas mal!

Galaxie 500 - "Blue Thunder" (lyrics)

Can you remember this lovely American alternative rock band?
Thinkin' of blue thunder
Singin' to myself
Thinkin' how fast it moves
Feelin how it turns
I was singin' somethin
Out on Route 128
Thinkin how blue it looks
Singin out aloud
My my blue thunder
My my blue thunder
My my blue thunder
Singin' out aloud
My my blue thunder
My my blue thunder
My my blue thunder
Singin' out aloud
I'll drive so far away
I'll drive so far away
I'll drive so far away
I'll drive so far away
Blue thunder
Blue thunder
Blue thunder
Blue thunder

Sunday 19 October 2008

Brain teaser 16

If 3 cats eat 3 rats in 3 days, how long will it take 60 cats to eat 60 rats?

Saturday 18 October 2008

Grandaddy - "Crystal Lake" (lyrics)

I love this band from California, U.S. Unfortunately they split up!
Should never have left the crystal lake
For parties full of folks who flake
Italian leather winter games
Retired by the duraflames
The crystal lake it only laughs
It knows you're just a modern man
It's shining like the chandelier
Shining somewhere far away from here
I've gotta get outta here
I've gotta get outta here
I've gotta get outta here
I've gotta get outta here...
And find my way again
I've lost my way again
Should never have left the crystal lake
Should never have left the crystal lake
For areas where trees are fake
And dogs are dead with broken hearts
Collapsing by the coffee carts
The crystal lake it only laughs
It knows you're just a modern man
It's shining like the chandelier
Shining somewhere far away from here
I've gotta get outta here
I've gotta get outta here
I've gotta get outta here
I've gotta get outta here...
And find my way again
I've lost my way again

Sigur Rós - "Hoppípolla" (lyrics)

Besides Sugarcubes, Björk and a recent financial crisis, Iceland can offer other interesting things such as Sigur Rós, a post-rock band whose songs are melodic, classical, minimalist and charmantes:

Hendumst í hringi
Höldumst í hendur
Allur heimurinn óskýr
Nema þú stendur
Allur rennvotur
Engin gúmmístígvél
Hlaupandi inn í okkur
Vill springa út úr skel
Og útilykt af hárinu þínu
Eg lamdi eins fast og ég get
Með nefinu mínu
I engum stígvélum
Allur rennvotur (rennblautur)
I engum stígvélum
Og ég fæ blóðnasir
En ég stend alltaf upp
Og ég fæ blóðnasir
Og ég stend alltaf upp
Jumpin' puddles

Brain teaser 14 (solution)

There's no missing $1. The dilemma is merely in the way in which the problem is posed. Each man paid $9, making $27 - of this, the waiter got $2 and the manager $25!

Sonic Youth - "Teenage Riot" (lyrics)

One of my favourites ever:

Everybody's talking 'bout the stormy weather
And what's a man do to but work out whether it's true?
Looking for a man with a focus and a temper
Who can open up a map and see between one and two
Time to get it
Before you let it
Get to you
Here he comes now
Stick to your guns
And let him through
Everybody's coming from the winter vacation
Taking in the sun in a exaltation to you
You come running in on platform shoes
With Marshall stacks
To at least just give us a clue
Ah, here it comes
I know it's someone I knew
Teenage riot in a public station
Gonna fight and tear it up in a hypernation for you
You better look it
We're gonna shake it
Up to him
He acts the hero
We paint a zero
On his hand
We know it's down
We know it's bound too loose
Everybody's sound is round it
Everybody wants to be proud to choose
So who's to take the blame for the stormy weather
You're never gonna stop all the teenage leather and booze
It's time to go round
A one man showdown
Teach us how to fail
We're off the streets now
And back on the road
On the riot trail

Friday 10 October 2008

Virtual Barbershop

Binaural recording is a method of recording audio which uses a special microphone arrangement intended for replay using headphones.

Get to know this technique and enjoy!!! It's really amazing!
Just click here:
and PLAY...
It will take only 5 minutes.
You'll need headphones!
If you close your eyes you'll feel as if you were there...

Tuesday 7 October 2008

Illusions 18

Are you a good observer?
If so, try to find a face among the beans!!!
(Source:, Furitsu)

Super Furry Animals - "Juxtaposed" (lyrics)

A nice Welsh rock band:
It's easy when you know how
To get along without Biff! Bang! Pow!
And if I see that you're fed up,
I'll stop and give you a leg up.
Over priced unreal estate,
Surreal estate,
The highest price they've hit to date,
Creating new divides and tension.
You've got to tolerate,
All those people that you hate,
I'm not in love with you,
But I won't hold that against you,
You've got to tolerate,
Some of those people that you hate,
I'm not in love with you,
But I won't hold that against you.
This is a tale of 2 city/situations,
Mutual appreciation,
Away from narrow pre-conception,
Avoiding conflict hyper-tension,
Non-phobic word aerobic.
This was my domain,
Till someone stole my name.
You've got to tolerate ...etc.
Let's get juxtaposed, juxtaposed,

Brain teaser 15

Think quickly and try to solve by head:
Two trains approach each other from opposite directions. One is travelling at 50 mph, the other at 70 mph. How far apart are they fifteen minutes before they meet?

Sunday 5 October 2008

Peter Bjorn and John - "Up Against the Wall" (lyrics)

What a nice and creative band from Sweden!

Guess I should have caught your call

But I just had to waste

The phone forget it all

Bones are trembling, hands are cold

You don't know how it feels

You've got me up against the wall


Maybe we could make this work

But now you start to leave

Before it's getting worse

I don't know what you came here for

It's almost that I wish

We hadn't met at all


You slap just like a wake-up call

The bruises on the face

Don't bother me at all

Bones are trembling, hands are cold

It's almost that I wish

You had me up against the wall


Brain teaser 14

Three men are in a restaurant. The bill comes to $30, so each man gives a $10 note to the waiter.
The waiter takes the bill and delivers the payment to the manager - who decides that he's overcharged, so he gives the waiter $5 to take back to the men.
On the way back to the table, the waiter dishonestly pockets $2 of the $5 for himself, and give each man $1 back only.
That means that each man has paid $9 - making a total of $27. The waiter has $2, the men have paid $27... that comes to $29!
What has happened to the missing $1?!

Saturday 4 October 2008

AIR - "Ce matin-là" (instrumental)

Belle chanson de ce groupe français fantastique: (This video was shot in Stockholm, Sweden)
(A canção e o clip são a minha cara!)

Sunday 28 September 2008

Stereolab - "Cybele's reverie" (lyrics)

Brilliant song from this British-French band:

matières sensuelles et sans suites
matières sensuelles et sans suites
l'enfance est plus sympathique
l'enfance apporte le magique
que faire quand on a tout fait
tout lu, tout bu, tout mangé
tout donné en vrac et en détail
quand on a crié sur tous les toits
pleuré et ris dans les villes et en campagne
l'enfance est plus authentique
le jardin au haut portique
les pierres, les arbres, les murs racontent
(la maison, la maison d'autrefois, la maison la maison d'avenir)
et le silence me pénétrera

Illusions 17

This is a static image. It is not animated in any way but as your vision moves back and forth the center area seems to be moving toward the center (contracting) and the outer edges seem to be moving away (expanding) from the center.
If you fixate on a point in the center and don't move your eyes this anomalous motion will stop! Funny, isn't it?

Portishead - "The Rip" (Lyrics)

Do you know Portishead from USA?

As she walks in the room
Scented and tall
Hesitating once more
And as I take on myself
And the bitterness I felt
I realise that love flows
Wild, white horses
They will take me away
And the tenderness I feel
Will send the dark underneath
Will I follow?
Through the glory of life
I will scatter on the floor
Disappointed and sore
And in my thoughts I have bled
For the riddles I've been fed
Another lie moves over
Wild, white horses
They will take me away
And the tenderness I feel
Will send the dark underneath
Will I follow?
Wild, white horses
They will take me away
And the tenderness I feel
Will send the dark underneath
Will I follow?

Friday 19 September 2008

Immigration Québec

At last!!! I got to receive an invitation for the immigration interview... It will be in October! Wish me luck!

Thursday 18 September 2008

Illusions 16

I could not resist to post this 1888 German postcard version of an old optical illusion.
What can you see: an old or a young lady?

Monday 15 September 2008

Immigration Canada

800 millions pour l'immigration

Au deuxième jour de sa visite en Colombie-Britannique, Stéphane Dion a choisi le cadre d'une réception avec la communauté chinoise pour présenter le programme de son parti en matière d'immigration.
Si les libéraux l'emportent, M. Dion commencera par annuler les amendements conservateurs qui, affirme-t-il, ont donné au ministère de l'Immigration des pouvoirs « arbitraires et discrétionnaires ».
« Je veux une procédure dans les règles. Un système qui donne à tous des chances égales », a-t-il déclaré.
Le chef libéral promet également d'investir 800 millions de dollars sur 4 ans afin de moderniser et de simplifier le système d'immigration. « L'argent ne peut pas résoudre tous les problèmes, je ne suis pas Jack Layton! Mais il en faut bien », a-t-il déclaré, brocardant le chef du NPD.

Des visas plus faciles à obtenir

Une première tranche de 400 millions servira à la réforme du système lui-même. Avec le programme Voie d'accès Canada, le Parti libéral veut accélérer les procédures de traitement des demandes d'immigration émises par les travailleurs temporaires, les étudiants internationaux et les aides familiaux.
Stéphane Dion souhaite aussi revoir le système de points afin de favoriser les métiers spécialisés. Il a, par ailleurs, annoncé deux autres programmes: Visa de bienvenue et Express pass.
Visa de bienvenue facilitera la venue des familles des citoyens et des résidents canadiens. Ce visa à entrées multiples, d'une durée de cinq ans et renouvelable, pourra être accordé aux ressortissants étrangers parrainés par un membre de leur famille. Express pass facilitera, quant à lui, la venue des gens d'affaires au pays.

Intégration linguistique et professionnelle

Une deuxième tranche de 200 millions sera consacrée à l'intégration des nouveaux arrivants sur le plan linguistique, avec Nouveau départ Canada. L'idée, a expliqué M. Dion, consiste à fournir aux immigrants les outils linguistiques « nécessaires à leur succès ».
Stéphane Dion a souligné que Nouveau départ Canada sera mis en oeuvre en partenariat avec les provinces afin qu'il n'y ait pas de redondance avec les programmes existants.
Il a précisé que son parti respectera, par exemple, le rôle du gouvernement du Québec pour ce qui est du français.
Une troisième tranche de 200 millions financera Passeport pour l'emploi, conçu pour favoriser l'intégration des immigrants sur le marché du travail à l'aide de stages, de services de mentorat et d'aide à l'emploi.
Il permettra aussi, a indiqué M. Dion, de faciliter la reconnaissance des diplômes des nouveaux arrivants et de leur permettre de compléter leur formation au Canada en suivant des cours. (Radio-Canada)

Sunday 14 September 2008

The Thrills - "The Irish keep gatecrashing" (lyrics)

One of the best songs I've ever heard from this marvelous Irish indie band:
If I could learn to love you
Could you learn to love me
Lust will only get us so far now
Lust, top 40 fame...
I can smell your catholic shame
But it goes on & on...
The fashion police keep chasing
The Irish keep gate-crashing
Lust will only get us so far now
I finally shed my puppy fat
No, kids, there's no encore tonight
But it goes on & on...

Saturday 13 September 2008

Brain teaser 13 (solution)

Patricia's birthday is on December the 31st. and she pronounced the phrase on January the 1st.

Brain teaser 12 (solution)

After 59 seconds.

Someone still loves you Boris Yeltsin - "Think I wanna die" (lyrics)

Very nice song from an American pop band:

Think I wanna die if you don’t stay
drop dead in place you can forget it
Carry a torch for days,
I’m gonna let it burn
I remember watching as you slowly loaded up the loom.
On repeat: Caravan and we danced around the room.
Once insecure about your scar but I think you got over it.
Dreampt of marimbas made from the bones of our relatives,
who never live as long as we think that they oughta live.
You dreampt of sex with tigers
I tried to get my head around that one!
Left in a disguise for the faraway
Traveled all alone through boring meadows
while I sat at home
wishing we could elope...
Will you ever know what you do to me?
I’m on my broken knees, no end of sorrow.
Sorry if that’s twee but it’s tomorrow’s hope.

Tuesday 5 August 2008

CFA Level II

I got to succeed in the CFA Level I exam!!!
Back to the studies for the Level II...

Sunday 3 August 2008

Bon Iver - "Re: Stacks" (lyrics)

I could not resist to one more song from Bon Iver, this time live from Montréal, Québec, Canada, 2008:

This my excavation and today is kumran
Everything that happens is from now on
This is pouring rain
This is paralyzed
I keep throwing it down two-hundred at a time
It's hard to find it when you knew it
When your money's gone
And you're drunk as hell
On your back with your racks as the stacks as your load
In the back and the racks and the stacks are your load
In the back with your racks and you're un-stacking your load
I've twisting to the sun I needed to replace
The fountain in the front yard is rusted out
All my love was down
In a frozen ground
There's a black crow sitting across from me; his wiry legs are crossed
And he's dangling my keys he even fakes a toss
Whatever could it be
That has brought me to this loss?
On your back with your racks as the stacks as your load
In the back and the racks and the stacks of your load
In the back with your racks and you're un-stacking your load
This is not the sound of a new man or crispy realization
It's the sound of the unlocking and the lift away
Your love will be
Safe with me

Wednesday 23 July 2008

Rufus Wainwright - "Sans Souci" (lyrics)

Get to know this Canadian-American singer-songwriter:


Who will be at Sanssouci tonight?
The boys that made me lose the blues tonight, and then my eyesight
All together, playing games of cards
Gambling the tiny shards of brass, once my heart
Who will be at Sanssouci tonight?
I'm lookin' through the window from the garden
Waitin' for the call to my hotel room
I'm tired of writing elegies to boredom
I just want to be at Sanssouci tonight
Who will be at Sanssouci tonight?
Surely not the one that loves me truly, only
He's probably down at the stables, there
Gently polishing my cabriolet, only
I don't care, I really want to go
So I'm opening the door wide to the ballroom
Callin' up some dude from my hotel room
I'm tired of writing elegies in general
I just want to be at Sanssouci tonight
Tonight, tonight...
The candles seem to all have been blown out
Cupid's wings have cobweb rings and no one's about
Could it be I came to the wrong place?
But I swear I saw them climb the stairs, that sweet mystery
Who will be at Sanssouci tonight?
It's only when you're outside that you notice
Only from the window you can see them
Once the door is open, all will vanish
Ain't nobody at Sanssouci tonight
Tonight, tonight

Tuesday 8 July 2008

Bon Iver - "Flume" (lyrics)

Brilliant 2008 debut album from an American singer:

I am my mother's only one
It's enough
I wear my garment so it shows
Now you know
Only love is all maroon
Gluey feathers on a flume
Sky is womb and she's the moon
I am my mother on the wall, with us all
I move in water, shore to shore;
Nothing's more
Only love is all maroon
Lapping lakes like leary loons
Leaving rope burns
Reddish ruse
Only love is all maroon
Gluey feathers on a flume
Sky is womb and she's the moon

Brain teaser 13

Patricia said: "The day before yesterday I was 10, but I will turn 13 in the next year." How is this possible?

Brain teaser 12

A number of bacteria are placed in a glass. One second later each bacterium divides in two, the next second each of the resulting bacteria divides in two again, et cetera. After one minute the glass is full. When was the glass half-full?

Sunday 22 June 2008

Joni Mitchell - California (lyrics)

Brilliant singer/songwriter:

Sitting in a park in Paris, France
Reading the news and it sure looks bad
They won't give peace a chance
That was just a dream some of us had
Still a lot of lands to see
But I wouldn't want to stay here
It's too old and cold and settled in its ways here
Oh, but California
California I'm coming home
I'm going to see the folks I dig
I'll even kiss a sunset pig
California I'm coming home
I met a redneck on a Grecian isle
Who did the goat dance very well
He gave me back my smile
But he kept my camera to sell
Oh the rogue, the red red rogue
He cooked good omelettes and stews
And I might have stayed on with him there
But my heart cried out for you, California
Oh California I'm coming home
Oh make me feel good rock'n'roll band
I'm your biggest fan
California, I'm coming home
Oh it gets so lonely
When you're walking
And the streets are full of strangers
All the news of home you read
Just gives you the blues
Just gives you the blues
So I bought me a ticket
I caught a plane to spain
Went to a party down a red dirt road
There were lots of pretty people there
Reading Rolling Stone, reading Vogue
They said, how long can you hang around?
I said a week, maybe two,
Just until my skin turns brown
Then I'm going home to California
California I'm coming home
Oh will you take me as I am
Strung out on another man
California I'm coming home
Oh it gets so lonely
When you're walking
And the streets are full of strangers
All the news of home you read
More about the war
And the bloody changes
Oh will you take me as I am?
Will you take me as I am?
Will you?

Joni Mitchell - Morning Morgantown (lyrics)

Another marvelous song from the album "Ladies of the canyon" (1970):


When morning comes to Morgantown
The merchants roll their awnings down
The milktrucks make their morning rounds
In morning, Morgantown

We'll rise up early, with the sun
To ride the bus while everyone is yawning
And the day is young
In morning, Morgantown

Morning Morgantown
Buy your dreams a dollar down
Morning any town you name
Morning's just the same

We'll find a table in the shade
And sip our tea and lemonade
And watch the morning on parade
In morning, Morgantown

Ladies in their rainbow fashions
Colored stop and go lights flashing
We'll wink at total strangers passing in
Morning, Morgantown

Morning Morgantown
Buy your dreams a dollar down
Morning any town you name
Morning's just the same

I'd like to buy you everything
A wooden bird with painted wings
A window full of colored rings
In morning, Morgantown.

But the only thing I have to give
To make you smile, to win you with
Are all the mornings still to live
In morning, Morgantown.

Joni Mitchell - Circle game (lyrics)

Brilliant folk song from the brilliant Canadian singer from the brilliant album "Ladies of the canyon" (1970):


Yesterday, a child came out to wonder,
Caught a dragonfly inside a jar
Fearful when the sky was full of thunder,
And tearful at the falling of a star

And the seasons, they go round and round,
And the painted ponies go up and down,
We're captive on the carousel of time
We can't return, we can only look behind from where we came,
And go round and round and round in the circle game

Then the child moved ten times round the seasons,
Skated over ten clear, frozen streams
Words like, 'when you're older,' must appease him,
And promises of someday make his dreams

And the seasons, they go round and round,
And the painted ponies go up and down,
We're captive on the carousel of time
We can't return, we can only look behind from where we came,
And go round and round and round in the circle game

Sixteen Springs and sixteen Summers gone now,
Cartwheels turn to car wheels through the town
And they tell him, take your time, it won't be long now,
Till you drag your feet to slow the circles down

And the seasons, they go round and round,
And the painted ponies go up and down,
We're captive on the carousel of time
We can't return, we can only look behind from where we came,
And go round and round and round in the circle game

So, the years spin by and now the boy is twenty,
Though his dreams have lost some grandeur coming true
There'll be new dreams, maybe better dreams and plenty,
Before the last revolving year is through

And the seasons, they go round and round,
And the painted ponies go up and down,
We're captive on the carousel of time
We can't return, we can only look behind from where we came,
And go round and round and round in the circle game
And go round and round and round in the circle game

Tuesday 3 June 2008

Immigration Canada

Discrétion libérale

Le gouvernement conservateur de Stephen Harper a survécu à une autre série de votes de confiance sur sa réforme de la Loi sur l'immigration et la protection des réfugiés, lundi, grâce encore une fois à l'abstention d'une majorité de libéraux.
Le projet C-50 est une loi d'exécution des dispositions du dernier budget fédéral dans laquelle le gouvernement a inséré plusieurs modifications législatives, dont celle sur l'immigration. En vertu de ce vote favorable de 114-83, il atteint maintenant le stade de la troisième lecture.
Le projet C-50 ne deviendra loi que s'il survit à un autre vote aux Communes et à son étude par le Sénat. Le projet de loi donnerait des pouvoirs discrétionnaires supplémentaires à la ministre de l'Immigration qui pourrait accélérer, mais aussi refuser, toute demande d'immigration d'une personne répondant aux critères de sélection.
Plusieurs organismes et associations, dont l'Association du Barreau canadien et le conseil canadien pour les réfugiés, ont dénoncé ce projet de loi. Ils affirment qu'il pourrait donner lieu à des décisions discriminatoires, voire racistes.
Le gouvernement se défend en disant que certaines candidatures à l'immigration dans des domaines d'emploi recherchés, comme celles de médecins, pourraient plus facilement être acceptées.
Aucun des partis d'opposition à la Chambre des communes ne semble vouloir de ces changements. Pourtant, les libéraux se sont de nouveau abstenus en majorité de voter, afin d'éviter de voter contre la mise en oeuvre du budget et d'ainsi faire tomber le gouvernement conservateur minoritaire. Certains libéraux s'y sont opposés pour la forme, en essuyant au passage les quolibets de leurs adversaires.
Le chef de l'opposition officielle, Stéphane Dion, a déclaré que si l'opposition avait fait tomber le gouvernement, la démission du ministre Maxime Bernier, après qu'il eut oublié des documents secrets chez son ex-copine Julie Couillard, ne serait jamais survenue. (Radio-canada)

Friday 16 May 2008

CFA Level I

Sorry for not having enough time to update my blog as frequently as before. This is because I'm currently concentrated on my CFA Level I studies but I'll be back soon with more interesting things...
CFA Institute website:

Saturday 10 May 2008

Catatonia - Dead from the waist down (lyrics)

From Wales:

The sun is shining
We should be making hay
But we're dead from the waist down
Like in Californ-I-A

Victory is empty
There are lessons in defeat
But we're dead from the waist down
We are sleeping on our feet

We stole the songs from birds in trees
Bought us time on easy street
Now our paths, they never meet
We chose to court and flatter greed, ego disposability
I caught a glimpse, and it's not me

Make hay not war
Make hay not war
Make hay not war
Or else we're done for
And we're dead from the w down

There's no contracts binding
No bad scene beyond repair
But when you're dead from the waist down
You're too far gone to even care

We stole the songs from birds in trees
Bought us time on easy street
Now our paths, they never meet
We chose to court and flatter greed, ego disposability
I caught a glimpse, and it's not me
Make hay not war
Make hay not war
Make hay not war
Or else we're done for
And we're dead from the waist down

The sun is shining

Friday 2 May 2008

Illusions 15

Are the horizontal lines parallel?

Tuesday 22 April 2008

Immigration Canada

Immigration - Retenir les étudiants étrangers

La ministre fédérale de l'Immigration et de la Citoyenneté, Diane Finley, a annoncé lundi des mesures visant la rétention des étudiants étrangers ayant effectué des études au Canada.
Ces dispositions visent en fait à faciliter à ces étudiants l'accès au marché du travail.
Au terme de leur formation collégiale ou universitaire au Canada, ils pourront désormais demander un permis de travail « sans égard au type d'emploi » et sans avoir reçu une promesse d'embauche au préalable.
De plus, la durée de ce permis de travail pourra être de trois ans, au lieu d'un maximum de deux ans, comme c'est le cas présentement.
« Les modifications annoncées contribueront à créer un bassin de candidats qui, grâce à l'expérience de travail qu'ils [les étudiants étrangers] auront acquise, pourront immigrer plus facilement au Canada », a déclaré la ministre Finley.
Elle a ajouté que « notre capacité à garder les étudiants étrangers ayant obtenu un diplôme et acquis une expérience de travail au Canada et s'étant familiarisés avec la société canadienne, nous permettra d'accroître notre compétitivité, ce qui profitera à l'ensemble du Canada ». (Radio-Canada)

Friday 11 April 2008

Arcade Fire - Keep the car running (lyrics)

Groupe canadien de Montréal, Québec:
Every night my dream's the same
Same old city with a different name
Men are coming to take me away
I don't know why, but I know I can't stay
There's a weight that's pressing down
Late at night you can hear the sound
Even the noise you make when you sleep
Can't swim across a river so deep
They know my name cause I told it to them
But they don't know where and they don't know
When it's coming, when it's coming
There's a fear I keep so deep
Knew it's name since before I could speak
Aaaaah Aaaaah Aaaaah Aaaaah
They know my name cause I told it to them
But they don't know where and they don't know
When it's coming, oh when but it's coming
Keep the car running
If some night I don't come home
Please don't think I've left you alone
The same place animals go when they die
You can't climb across a mountain so high
The same city where I go when I sleep
You can't swim across a river so deep
They know my name cause I told it to them
But they don't know where
And they don't know
When it's coming, oh when is it coming?
Keep the car running
Keep the car running
Keep the car running

Groove Armada - My friend (lyrics)

Whenever I'm down
I call on you my friend
A helping hand you lend
In my time of need
Whenever I'm down
I call on you my friend,
I call on you my friend

Listen, Listen, Listen

Whenever I'm down
I call on you my friend
A helping hand you lend
In my time of need
Whenever I'm down
I call on you my friend,
I call on you my friend

Whenever I'm down
And all that's going on
Is really going wrong
Just one of those days again
You say the right things
To keep me moving on
To keep me going strong

Whenever I'm down

ain't nobody

Whenever I'm down
I call on you my friend
A helping hand you lend
In my time of need
Whenever I'm down
I call on you my friend,
I call on you my friend

Whenever I'm down
And all that's going on
Is really going wrong
Just one of those days again
You say the right things
To keep me moving on
To be going strong

Repeat Chorus

Chemical Brothers - Star Guitar

It reminds me London...

Wednesday 9 April 2008

Immigration Canada

Des modifications contestées

Une douzaine d'organismes de défense des immigrants manifesteront dans les rues de Toronto, mercredi, pour protester contre les changements que le gouvernement conservateur de Stephen Harper compte apporter à la Loi sur l'immigration et la protection des réfugiés.
Ainsi, le ministre de l'Immigration pourra décider que les demandes présentées par des immigrants exerçant des professions ou des métiers où une pénurie de main-d'oeuvre sévit seront traitées en priorité. Ces modifications lui accorderaient aussi le pouvoir de fixer un nombre maximal de demandes traitées chaque année.
Ces changements ont été inclus dans un projet de loi de mise en oeuvre du budget, de sorte que les partis d'opposition, qui fustigent le gouvernement Harper à ce sujet, pourraient déclencher des élections s'ils votaient contre leur implantation. Or, les libéraux de Stéphane Dion ont déjà indiqué qu'ils n'iraient pas jusque-là.
Mardi, des hauts fonctionnaires du ministère de l'Immigration et de la Citoyenneté ont finalement expliqué les tenants et aboutissants de la réforme proposée. Il s'agit, ont-ils expliqué, de permettre à certains immigrants qualifiés de ne pas être coincés dans de longues listes d'attentes.
Actuellement, disent-ils, 925 000 demandes sont en attente de traitement, et ce nombre pourrait atteindre 1,5 million d'ici 2012. Dans les extrêmes, des demandeurs doivent en ce moment attendre jusqu'à 6 ans avant d'être acceptés au pays.
Les changements proposés à la loi, rétroactifs au 27 février dernier, feraient en sorte que des immigrants verraient leur demande traitée d'ici un an, au maximum. Les professions et métiers visés seraient consignés dans une liste, appelée à être révisée en fonction des besoins du marché de l'emploi. Cette liste serait dressée après consultation avec les provinces et les employeurs.
Le ministère de l'Immigration admet que l'imposition d'un plafond annuel de demandes traitées pourrait faire en sorte qu'une demande soit rejetée pendant 50 années consécutives. « Les gens ont des droits une fois qu'ils sont dans le système, et ils ont le droit d'être traités de façon juste. Ils ont le droit d'être traités sans discrimination [...] mais il n'y a pas - et il n'y a jamais eu - de droit à venir au Canada dans la loi », a expliqué mardi un fonctionnaire.
L'opposition estime que ce projet de loi est discriminatoire, voire anti-immigrant. Les libéraux talonnent le gouvernement à ce sujet depuis quelques jours aux Communes. Le NPD a quant à lui présenté une motion qui soutient que le projet de loi de mise en oeuvre du budget ne peut être soumis au vote puisque le fait qu'il contient des changements à la loi sur l'immigration constitue une procédure illégitime.
Les modifications sont également dénoncées par les groupes de défenses des immigrants, qui s'en sont d'ailleurs plaints, mardi, à Toronto, lors d'une audience du comité permanent de la citoyenneté et de l'immigration de la Chambre des communes.
La porte-parole du groupe Status Now, Sima Sahar Zeheri, a déploré que ces changements fassent en sorte que l'immigration au Canada sera décidée sur des bases économiques plutôt qu'humanitaires. « Les immigrants sont dépouillés de leur humanité et sont considérés strictement d'un point de vue économique. Et ils peuvent être laissés de côté quand ils ne sont plus utiles », dénonce-t-elle. (Radio-Canada)

Immigration Canada

Des communautés en colère

Les changements prévus à la Loi sur l'immigration et la protection des réfugiés soulèvent la colère de membres de communautés culturelles d'Ottawa. Selon eux, les modifications proposées accordent trop de pouvoir au ministre de l'Immigration. C'est le message qu'a lancé, mardi, au gouvernement Harper, des membres de ces communautés, lors d'une table ronde organisée par le député néo-démocrate fédéral d'Ottawa-Centre, Paul Dewar.
Les communautés culturelles accusent le gouvernement conservateur d'avoir dissimulé les modifications à la Loi sur l'immigration dans le projet de loi sur le budget. Wali Farah, représentant d'un groupe d'aide aux immigrants à Ottawa, estime que cette façon de faire évite au gouvernement de tenir des débats sur la question.
Des membres des communautés culturelles craignent qu'en donnant plus de pouvoir au ministre, l'immigration devienne sélective. Selon eux, les changements à la loi permettront au ministre de décider d'une façon arbitraire qui peut venir au Canada et qui peut y demeurer. Certains craignent aussi de ne plus pouvoir faire venir au Canada, pour des motifs d'ordre humanitaire, des membres de leur famille qui se trouvent à l'étranger.
Le député néo-démocrate d'Ottawa-Centre, Paul Dewar, croit de son côté que le gouvernement Harper emprunte la mauvaise voie avec les modifications à la loi. Selon lui, il faut d'abord accorder davantage de ressources aux bureaux d'immigration du Canada à l'étranger et ensuite venir en aide aux nouveaux arrivants. (Radio-Canada)